Michael Andrews

Michael Andrews




Mike specializes in two business related activities:

*New product development

*Operational readiness

New Product development – Mike designs, develops and launches many different innovative products and product families. His creative product development work included the review and disruptive design of existing products. The desired outcomes are to create new products or alternative products for new markets. Within those initiatives, he has designed and implemented the essential strategic, tactical and operational plans including the supporting infrastructure needed to enable business success. Using a variety of tools and feedback mechanisms, Mike facilitates the discovery process, identifies key intellectual property, and assists in the new product creation processes.

Operational readiness – Mike creates programs and plans that ensure that business operations will continue with minimum disruption in the event of any hazard or unforeseen event. He ensures maximum efficiency and creates a safe and secure work environment for employees.

Mike has extensive expertise in the creation of viable emergency plans, business mitigation processes and procedures, response and resumption planning and operational readiness programs that provide for continued performance of essential functions under all circumstances. Typically, major concerns include Primary and Secondary Vulnerability and Threat analysis, assessment of insurance requirements, review of cash reserves, functional analysis, planned actions in the event of an emergency, accountability and decision making, and critical process analysis. He is also experienced in the selection of alternate facilities, interoperable communications, delegation of authority and successors, retention of vital business records, and other special requirements based on customer needs. 

Mike is deeply involved in the community and is an accomplished public speaker and trainer. Topics range from technology to leadership, including operational and employee development.